Fatores que contribuem para o presenteísmo entre enfermeiros portugueses e suíços: um estudo qualitativo baseado em grupos focais

Carlos Laranjeira
Filipa Pereira
Ana Querido
Marion Bieri
Henk Verloo
Título original
Contributing Factors of Presenteeism among Portuguese and Swiss Nurses: A Qualitative Study Using Focus Groups

Evidence of nurse presenteeism has mainly focused on quantifying its prevalence and consequences on productivity, quality of care, and patient safety. Few data exist on nurses' perceptions of their presenteeism and its related causes. We explored concepts of presenteeism and its contributing factors with frontline nurses and nurse managers in different healthcare settings in Portugal and Switzerland. Our qualitative study design involved 8 online focus groups involving 55 participants. The transcribed data was explored using thematic analysis. Three main reasons for presenteeism were identified: unfamiliar terminology; the paradoxical effect of `being present' but absent; and presenteeism as a survival strategy. Six contributing factors were also recognized: (a) institutional disinterest toward employees; (b) paradigm shift: the tension between person-centered and task-centered care; (c) sudden changes in care practices due to the COVID-19 pandemic; (d) a lack of shared work perspectives with hierarchical superiors; (e) the financial burden of being absent from work; and (f) misfit of human responses. This study generates valuable, in-depth knowledge about the concepts and causes of presenteeism, and significant suggestions for the broader audience of nurse managers and leaders seeking to improve the quality of care.

Resumo original

Social factors that affect health are called social determinants. Social determinants may also carry risk, known as social risk. Management and patient safety professionals understand health care and enterprise risk. Social risk may add a new dimension for some. Social risks are probably amenable to the strategies patient safety and risk management professionals already employ, such as enterprise risk management, a culture of safety, and just culture. A large body of evidence suggests that social risks, particularly literacy and discrimination, strongly affect patient safety and well-being. This paper examines the relationship between social determinants of health and social risks and considers how health care organizations might address literacy and discrimination from the perspective of patient safety and risk management.

Int J Environ Res Saúde Pública
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